20th Urological Association of Asia Congress 2023

In Conjunction with

12th Emirates International Urological Conference

28 September – 01 October 2023


Welcome to the exciting world of Urology for Technology, Innovation & Collaboration

Join 3,000+ urologists from across the globe from 28 September – 01 October 2023 at Conrad Dubai, UAE.

The joint conference of UAA and EUS will bring the most up-to-date research and distinguished developments in urology, and key opinion leaders will convene in Dubai to share their expertise in urology care.

Delegates will not only benefit from the latest urological innovation but will get an opportunity to expand their professional network and meet with colleagues from around the world.

Join us to augment your clinical practice and patient care!
David Winkle, M.D
President, UAA

Welcome Message

We Welcome You All

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Technology Innovation and Collaboration in Urology

On behalf of the board of directors of Emirates Urological Society it gives us a great pleasure and honour to invite you to the scientific conference of 20th Urological Association of Asia Congress 2023 held in conjunction with 12th Emirates International Urological Conference.

The aim of 12th Emirates International Urological Conference (EUSC 2023) is to expand as well as to unite healthcare professionals from different countries across borders, as well as to enhance and develop the urological knowledge and professional skills of urologists in the Arab world and beyond. The collaboration with the Urological Association of Asia will take this to further new heights and give the participants the opportunity to explore the best scientific content and networking.

Come and share your scientific and clinical experience by joining us for the Conference that will definitely be in line with the mission of EUS: to strengthen and promote the practice of urology, to improve the quality of life of the people of the UAE, support the promotion of healthcare awareness, foster high standards of care in urological medicine by facilitating access to the latest innovations and quality scientific and medical education to meet the needs of its members.

We encourage you to use this excellent opportunity to gain first insight into the current and future developments and experience the unique social and cultural heritage together with the warm hospitality of Dubai.

We look forward to welcoming you in Dubai!

Dr. AbdulQadir Al Zarooni
President, Executive Committee UAA - EUS Conference

A Great Honor For Us

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is indeed my great honour to warmly welcome you all to the 20th Urological Association of Asia Congress 2023, held in conjunction with 12th Emirates International Urological Conference.

Themed “Technology Innovation and Collaboration in Urology”, the scientific subcommittee will work diligently to design a rich and comprehensive program, ranging from advanced research and in-depth studies in a variety of issues relating to urological care, to facilitate career progression and skill building for our urology community.

Following the success of last edition in Australia, we are hopeful and confident to expand the UAA 2023 edition even further through opening several more categories for its scientific sessions, which will see this meeting to be bigger and even more exciting for our delegates. Additionally, we will try our utmost to involve diverse range of distinguished speakers to present innovative research, technological interventions and therapies that will help urologists not only in their clinical practice but also provide them opportunities for collaborations.

Furthermore, I am sure there will be many new and exciting collaborations emerge from this conference. I wish you all great enjoyment of this meeting and much success with your presentations and forming of new collaborations.

We hope that you will enjoy the Congress, get to connect with outstanding urologists from different countries and through a creative exchange of ideas, you will find the congress rewarding both professionally and personally.

We look forward to welcoming you to Dubai, in September 2023.

Dr. Yasser Farahat
Chairman, Local Organizing Committee,
UAA President Elect,
UAA 2023


Dr. Abdul Qadir Zarooni

Executive Committee
EUS President

Dr. Yasser Farahat

Local Organising Committee,
UAA President Elect

Yasser Saeedi

Scientific Committee

Ahmed Hammady

Scientific Committee

Mohsen Elmekresh

Scientific Committee

Younis El Shamsi

Board Member
Emirates Urological Society

Yousef Al Murawwi

Board Member
Emirates Urological Society

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    +971 4 311 6300

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    MCI Middle East, United Arab Emirates


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